Category: CinA Missions

Philippines Mission Trip Vlog

Philippines Vlogs vid capture

Our A.R.M.S. Medical Mission is being documented by Mark Sherman. Below are links to (top) the most recent video blog update, and (bottom) the full playlist documenting preparation for the mission as well as the current work.



Please be in prayer for the Philippine national pastors who will be following up on this work.

“Lord, here am I. Send me.”

(Note from the CinA staff: This report is from Pastor Nick & Sandy Guerra while they are in the Philippines on the ARMS medical/dental mission.)

So week number one is just about completed! From the Holy Ghost fire in our Evangelism section we’ve seen an enormous amount of decisions for Christ. We’ve witnessed super-natural healings – recovery of sight, limbs restored, goiters dissolved, hearing returned.
This Team is the best team ever! (LOL) We have gelled and are working in Kingdom love and unity. Every year, it’s amazing to see ARMS workers come from around the globe and unite so quickly. We are family! And, you have an invite! (Join us next year???)
We also received a powerful, encouraging testimony from a pastor who had been blinded during a surgery, and he also said that he died and visited the pearly gates in a stunning way! He describes knowing immediately that he was created to live in this place for eternity in perfect love with the Lord! He also said that we he came back — because his wife prayed him back – that the first thing he asked his wife was, “Why did you bring me back?!!” LOL! He said the Lord gave him the message to tell all Believers to be encouraged, to press on, your labor is not vain, and that it will all be worth it. Praise God! Hallelujah! NickGuerra_4-06-18_A


3 of 7 missions complete! The numbers so far. (Check out our FB ARMS page.)






An accident lodged this wire in his hand for the last ten years. The patient tried to remove it several times on his own, but only ended up destroying the nerves in his fingers. He uses a bandanna to cover it, so it won’t snag. He can’t afford the necessary x-rays to fully determine removal. ARMS is working on assisting this man.


NickGuerra_4-06-18_C.pngThis man came into triage complaining only of blurred vision and aching neck. He was treated and asked if there’s anything else he needs assistance with. He basically said, “Oh yeah, there’s this,” and proceeded to show the bottom of his feet. Some sort of flesh eating bacteria has been active in his feet since ’90. It’s eaten into his bones, smelled of great rot, and the doctors said amputation only at this stage. The patient says that amputation is not an option.

NickGuerra_4-06-18_DSandy and I have chosen to give up our lives for Jesus’ sake and for the gospel. We are literally preaching/teaching 4-6 days every week because people are lost and hurting, and, besides, evil isn’t taking any time off. As such, we could use some time off to be poured back into. The triennial Christians In Action mission conference is this September. Sandy and I attended the last conference and it was a time of great rest and restoration for us. The estimated cost for this trip is $7,500.00. This price includes plane tickets, car rental, hotels, food, and an additional week of travel in the US for “reporting and generating” continued support. “Habu” is a snake indigenous to Okinawa, but in this instance H.A.B.U. means “Hook A Brother UP!” Lol! Thanks!

In closing…

Thank you for your prayers. They are empowering and they do make a difference.
Presently, we’re finishing up week #1 in the Philippines. So many souls — young and old — are hearing the gospel and responding with, “What must I do to be saved?” Please pray that the ARMS team finishes strong, as we have three more sites next week.
Lastly, we continue to need your help. We ask that you consider partnering with us through your financial gifts and offerings. Be confident that your support goes directly into Kingdom work and immediately bears Kingdom fruit!
I declare that your speech and your preaching is not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power! (1Cor 2:4)
In His power,
Pastor Nick & Sandy Guerra

To support the Guerra’s ministry online click here –


“Love is not a chore, it’s an opportunity.”
The Lord spoke to my heart, “You almost missed that.”
Years ago, as a Marine still on active duty, I got home late one night after a long day. It was about 10 PM when I walked through the door and I was pleasantly surprised to find that my four-year-old daughter, Arianna, was still awake. We were excited to see each other, so we played and talked for about ten or fifteen minutes.
Now, playtime is over and I tell Arianna it’s bedtime. I picked her up and as I started to make the trek to her room, this was the jist of our ensuing conversation.
Arianna: Daddy, would you read me a bedtime story? Daddy reading book
Me: No, honey, it’s already late.
Arianna: Please…
Me (sticking to my guns): Nope.
Arianna: Please, please, please…
Me: Not tonight, honey. I still haven’t eaten yet, and I have to wash up.
Arianna (not giving up hope): Please! Just a short one.
Me: Honey, I still have to get my uniform ready for tomorrow.
(I laid her down and prayed over her, I thought I had won. Silly me.)
Arianna: Okay then, would you at least read me a story out of the children’s bible storybook? (Man, even for a four-year-old, this was low.)  With her adjusted strategy, Arianna played the guilt-card and bushwhacked me with a plea for a story from the bible. No one can say “No” to that! So, I grabbed the storybook and I began reading the story of Jesus’ first miracle of turning water into wine and how his mother, Mary, told the disciples to do whatever Jesus said. At this point, Arianna interrupted me, “Daddy, who was Mary married to?” Without much thought I said, “Mary was married to Joseph.” Then she blindsided me with, “If Mary was married to Joseph, then why did she have God’s baby?”
As her question dawned on me, mild panic and anxiety came over me and I was frozen momentarily. How do I answer this to a four-year-old? Do I try to get deep and try explain the virgin-birth? What’s an appropriate answer for her age??? The seconds ticked by and images of her fallen faith ran through my mind. “Oh man! Her future faith is gonna hinge on my answer! Aaaggghhhh!”
As I fumbled in my mind for possible, acceptable answers, Arianna interrupted me again. “Daddy! Daddy! Listen to my heart!” I put my ear to her chest, listened to her heartbeat, and said, “I can hear it. It’s going ‘Boom-Boom-Bam… Boom-Boom-Bam!’” She giggled gleefully and said, “Oh wow! Jesus must be in there jammin’!” It seemed like within the next breath she was fast asleep. (Whew!)
Although I was greatly relieved for not having to answer her question, joy, warmth, and wonder filled my heart in the following, brief moments. It was a small, but priceless event that I knew had altered my heart in some way. It was then that I felt the Spirit of the Lord speak to me. “You almost missed that.”
He showed me that my perspective, as I approached her bedtime, was skewed because I was focused on myself — tired, hungry, impatient — and that moment almost never happened. I saw very clearly that I had been looking at reading to Arianna as a chore, a bother, a burden. God spoke right into my spirit-man, “Love is not a chore, it’s an opportunity.”
Honestly, the revelation of that moment — and so many more with my wife and daughters — is forever seared in my memory, in a very special place within my heart. Reading to my kids, talking with them, and playing with them are not chores. Doing the dishes is not a chore. Giving my wife a massage or foot-rub is not a chore. These are opportunities! Opportunities to love, to demonstrate selflessness, instead of selfishness… to lay down my life! This brings me newfound depth to Jesus’ words, “No one has greater love than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (Jn 15:13)
Our heavenly Father gave!
– “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
Jesus gave!
– “Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2)
I don’t believe that “loving” is a chore to God. He is love. (1Jn 4:8) And, He forever looks for opportunities to love. Also, I don’t believe that “loving” was a chore to Christ, but more of a direct reflection of His nature. He suffered and He endured because of the love-relationship possibilities that would forever be established and available to all who run to Him!
How about you? And me? Do we have shallow perspectives of love? Isn’t it interesting that the bible also says those who try to save their lives end up losing them, and those who lose their lives for the sake of others end up saving theirs? (Mt 16:25)
Go forth… and remember that “Love is not a chore, it’s an opportunity.”
In closing…
Beloved, thank you for your continued prayers of faith. Your prayers do make a difference!
Please know that week in and week out, we stay the course and remain focused on making disciples for the Lord! Please know that being full-time missionaries, especially in Japan, is extremely expensive and we could use your help. Please consider partnering with us through financial gifts and offerings. Donations can be made online at Christians In Action. See link below.
Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers! (3Jn 1:2)
In His hands,
Pastor Nick & Pastor Sandy Guerra

To support the Guerra’s ministry online click here –

Miguel and Linda Toledo – Guatemala

Miguel and Linda Toledo – Guatemala

TOLEDO Newsletter May 2017 Christians in Action – Central America

More than 20 beds made. Menus for meals and coffee breaks for three days planned. A face-lift to the premises with a fresh coat of paint also lifted anticipation for the event. Excitement built as delegates from Honduras, El Salvador and the outlying areas of Guatemala confirmed their attendance. The first day of the three day Pastoral Seminar saw more than 41 attendees present.

Brother Denis Cobar, a graduate from Seminary in Honduras was our speaker. He is a bilingual worker, having lived and also prepared in ministry in the United States. The teaching on preserving the pure doctrine of the gospel really flowed as there was no need for an interpreter. Even so, the Caribbean accent and occasional distinction in territorial vocabulary added flavor to the delivery. Our appreciation for staying true to the simplicity of, yet astonishing message of the good news, was nailed!

Dr. Arreaga who has accompanied us during medical clinics in Guatemala and Colombia. He has a clinic near our missions headquarters and shared in a session with the pastors about the importance of the minister caring for his body, the temple of the Lord. He touched on areas like how a preacher should care for his voice; reasons and remedies of improper sleep; eating habits and of course, exercise.

Earlier this month I caught the following statement on the news made by Rep Ed Royce on Foreign Affairs Committee regarding sanctions of North Korea: “If we shut down their funding they cannot go forward with their program.” I thought, “how true that is also of our projects on the mission field”. I know we have seen MIRACLES even after our project is, BY FAITH, on the wheels and rolling. But we want to give you the opportunity to help us keep Pastoral Seminars a priority to reach out to the 72 pastors, workers and wives that Miguel and I feel responsible to in Central America. If you are able and feel led in your heart to give, know that you are making an INCREDIBLE impact in missions here in Guatemala. Miguel & Linda

Make your tax deductible gift to Christians in Action, at


Introducing the New Christians in Action Missions International President, David Ingerson

Christians in Action Missions International President, David Ingerson

Friday, September 1st, 2017

Hello and greetings in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. As the new international president and CEO of Christians in Action Missions International, I encourage you to seek to know and understand the heart of God for the world, His creation. And knowing His heart, seek to join Him in His purpose and plan in order to please Him, and bring Him pleasure.

Realizing coming to know God’s heart, is a life-long process, I have made it my life’s singular aim, to know Him—not merely in an academic, or theoretical way, but in truth, and in intimate relationship. I believe the first step in knowing God’s heart is to acknowledge and embrace His love for us—for God is love. Having recognized and received the love of God, our natural inclination is to love Him back.

If we have truly embraced His love, we will certainly desire to know and do what pleases Him, as a small child, secure in his parents’ love, naturally desires to bring joy and pleasure to his parents. As Jesus said in John 14:23:

“Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.”

But to obey Him, we must first understand what He expects of us. In order to understand God our Father, we must look to His Son. As He was preparing His disciples for his impending departure, Jesus, said of himself, as recorded in John chapter 14, verse 7, “If you really know me, you will know my Father as well…”

His disciple, Philip questioned Him, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”

Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.”

Not only is Jesus the ultimate representation of God to us, His creation, but also, we understand that Jesus, by His sacrificial death on the cross of Calvary, is the author of our salvation. We read in Colossians chapter 1, verses 19 and 20, that “God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him [that is Christ Jesus], 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.”

Therefore, to know God’s heart and please Him, we must understand Jesus’ heart and obey Him. In Matthew chapter 9, verse 35 we read:

“35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Therefore, to know and obey God’s heart we must identify with Jesus and have compassion, as He had, on the harassed and helpless people around us and, around the world, who are wandering aimlessly without purpose or direction. As we identify with Jesus’ heart and see the people of the world as He sees them, we will be motivated to pray and ask the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers into His harvest.

This year, 2017, marks the 60th year since Christians in Action was founded. Join us as we celebrate the past 60 years of seeking to know and obey God’s heart for the nations—that they may be found in Christ not having a righteousness of their own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ. {ref. Phil. 3:9b}

Our mission was founded in 1957 following a concentrated week of prayer. No doubt our founders prayed fervently that the Lord of the Harvest would send forth laborers through this mission, and surely, He has. To the many laborers, serving God in the more than twenty nations where we, Christians in Action Missions International are found today I say, thank you. Thank you for your commitment, thank you for your sacrifice, and thank you for your service to God. May He richly reward you.

And to everyone else I say, join me as I daily pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers into His Harvest, for who knows, perhaps He’ll tap you on the shoulder and invite you to join Him in His global harvest. If and when that day comes, may you be prepared to say, “Here I am, Lord, send me.”

Meet Abass from Sierra Leone, Africa

Meet Abass from Sierra Leone, Africa

Written by Elmer & Joann Reifel

Dear Friends & Family,

Several months ago we promised to familiarize you more with our well team members.  It seems to me that we got a little side tracked and here we are in 2017 already!  We are going to start with Abass Fofanah, our Well Team Leader.

Abass is 29 and was born and raised in Mile 91, about one hour west of Bo, where we live.  He is the third of six children and was forced to stop schooling in Class 3 (primary levels) due to the War in Sierra Leone.  When the rebels attacked Mile 91 his family was scattered in the bush and his mother was captured by them.  He and a friend named Joseph, whose sister was also taken by the rebels, decided to ‘infiltrate’ the rebels in an effort to free their family members.  After some time they were able to create a way for Abass’ mother to escape but it was almost six months before they found their own escape in the Hastings area, closer to Freetown. Unfortunately, Joseph lost his life to a land mine while trying.

Abass found himself in Freetown, a street boy– no home and no family to go to for some time.  He connected with those who stayed in an area he referred to as ‘the Dockyard’ where many displaced people lived.  At some point he left when cholera broke out.

He was able to learn construction work and save money so that he could go back to school. By this time he was older so he skipped a few grades intentionally and enrolled in Class 6, which he said was a struggle, but he was able to catch up.

In 2004 he learned that his father and family were staying with an uncle in Rokopu so he was able to see them, but he continued to work and to go to school until he sat his WASC (the final exam to graduate from ‘high school’ in Sierra Leone) in 2010.

During the construction work he met John Campbell and joined a well team. From that first well team he met us and eventually became our well team leader.

His wife lost a baby in 2014 so he was a VERY nervous father-to-be in 2016 as she carried their second child.  While I was visiting family and friends in December/January, his little boy “Elma” was born.   Baby Elmer (pronounced Elma) is doing very well.Abass

The most difficult aspect of well drilling for him is either too much rock in the soil or what is called ‘collapsing’ soil, which fills up the hole faster than it can be dug out.  This happened to our third hole in Wonah, causing some MAJOR extra work.

The part of well drilling that he enjoys the most is when the four inch pipe has been secured into the hole and the men have ‘clarified’ it— because at that point he knows that this well is going to be DONE.

Abass is a strong character and a hard worker but he does not appear to be in complete fellowship with Christ yet.  He believes in God, as many do, but the relationship with Christ seems to be missing right now.   Pray that he will be able to commit himself to the Lord “one hundred percent” (his favorite phrase)!

We invite you to partner with us in our Ministry, donations can be made by going online to:

also check out the amazing “Clean Water” video on this site.

Presidents Blog – April 2017

The greatest time of the year is upon us for this is the time we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Without Easter we have no eternal hope as humans.

Hebrews 9:22, declares; “…everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.”   Jesus died a painful death on the cross as he shed his sinless blood to cover the sins of the human race from Adam until the last human is born.

Does this mean that everyone goes to heaven since their sins are forgiven?  Absolutely not! I John 1:9 says; “…if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness (sins).”   We must ask God to forgive our sins then Jesus shed blood on the cross is activated on our behalf and we are forgiven. Not only forgiven but guaranteed eternal life.  This is the amazing hope of the Easter Season.easter

So many individuals believe God is unloving if he allows only the forgiven into heaven.  This is so untrue, as it is the individual themselves that chooses not to confess their sins and ask forgiveness from God.  See John 3:16 says; “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

God’s Word in II Peter 3:9 says; The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”

So the greatest day of the year is when we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  All other religious leaders who proclaim to be God or the voice of God are dead and buried and they have returned to dempty tombust from which they came.  Jesus is God and he is alive and His Spirit dwells in every person who has confessed their sins and asked Him for forgiveness.  Praise the Lord.

This is why we sing the Hallelujah Chorus, we will reign with him for all eternity.

Christians in Action Missions International was founded on the vision and goal of sharing the hope of eternal life found in the forgiveness of our sins.  60 years later in 2017 that vision and goal has not changed.  Thousands come to Jesus through the confession of their sins and receiving Him as their savior as our missionaries and indigenous pastors share John 3:16.


Dr. Gordon Donoho, President



So, imagine you’re in combat and you hear the commander cry out, “Fix bayonets!” Right away, what do you know? Things are about to escalate, stuff is about to get real, and we’re gonna come face-to-face with our adversary.

Working off that concept, every week before we close an outreach, we get face-to-face and conduct some sparring. I give the command, “Fix bayonets,” chairs are adjusted, and now we’re sitting facing someone. We begin role-playing and one row are the Christians and the opposite row are the Critics. 1 Peter 3:15 says, “But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.”

Now that our group is “on guard,” I reveal a popular biblical or moral issue that Christians face today. Christianity 101 topics are, “I have my own beliefs, I don’t believe in God, I’m basically a good person, You can’t trust the bible, Jesus was not God, etc. Christianity 201 topics are abortion, homosexuality, racism, wealth, religions, politics, etc. Of course we alternate roles, partners, and topics throughout the jousting, but as a Critic, your assignment is to be difficult and demand an appropriate bible-based response and explanation from the Christian they face.

philippines pix

disciples are made!

In His grace,
Pastor Nick & Pastor Sandy Guerra

To support the Guerra’s ministry online click here –

First Batch of Graduates…

First Batch of Graduates…

We just graduated our very first batch of kindergarteners at our Pre-school at our Christians in Action church in Puerto Princesa Palawan in partnership with International Care Ministries (ICM).  ICM provided all classroom materials and equipment & our CinA church, International Christians in Action Palawan, partially covers the salary of the teacher and her aid. 

Palawan grads
Future leaders of Palawan.

In conjunction of our FREE pre-school for the ultra-poor is parenting seminar to which parents of our students attends once a week seminar of Christian Parenting. One byproduct of our preschool is a morning Bible study/Devotions of the parents. The parents just hang out at the site while waiting for their children so we started this morning ministry for the parents. Three are now active members of our church while others enjoy the truth of the Word of God. It gives them hope, encouragement and joy at times. 

Unfortunately we may be closing our pre-school as ICM is moving on to transformational ministry and will be cutting off the financial support toward the salary of the teacher and the aid. We are praying for someone who will cover this lost financial support of 7500 pesos, approximately $150 a month. Please join me in prayer.


Ed & Jo Duenas

To support CINAMI Philippines’ ministry click here –

Destiny of Hope, Guatemala Update:

Destiny of Hope, Guatemala Update:

A long-time Guatemalan friend of Christians in Action, spent 3 days painting a mural on one of our orphanage walls. Thanks, Fernando, LOVE it!

Analisa is such a joy and growing up so fast.  She is now potty-trained and even wakes up dry some mornings.  She is learning new words every day in both English and Spanish and is starting to use sentences.  She copies and repeats everything.  She has also started attending Sunday School. She’s bonding with her teachers, Evy and Cony, and manages to sit still and pay attention for a whole hour.

 She loves to “help” with all the chores.  Her favorite activity is playing in water, be it in the kid-sized sink, the pila (laundry sink), or the baptismal aka “the pool” and sweeping.A broom just my size

 Stefani, (Tifa) is doing really well with her new family and they allow visits on a regular basis. They even got her a new puppy which she absolutely adores.

Tifa, family and new dog

Missionary Anita Byle is still visiting a church plant up in the mountains once a month.  Some of the ladies she ministers to are joyfully growing in the Lord and it’s so good to see them sharing the love of Jesus with others in their village. 

Anita has been helping one young lady once or twice a week with her English homework.  Alejandra,18, is our nanny’s daughter and in her last year of high school.  Anita loves seeing her eyes light up when she finally understands what she is learning.

Alejandra passing on her new English skills to Sofi, at another orphanage
Alejandra using her English skills.

DOH wants to thank all of you who so faithfully support the Lord’s work in Guatemala, and for covering all the workers in prayer.  

To support the Destiny of Hope ministry click here:

To support Anita’s ministry click here: